Suriname to be dragged to court over human rights violations

8 Suriname zal worden aangeklaagd voor mensenrechtenschendingen

PARAMARIBO – Defense Attorney Milton Castelen on Friday pointed out, that it is needless to say that the state Suriname will be dragged to regional courts over human rights violations. He explained that the five suspects in the Pikin Saron case were unlawfully detained.

The five suspects are charged with arson, attempted murder and destruction of private property. Castelen also pointed out that “the men have been in jail for over a year under very degrading conditions.” “You do not want to know how many letters the attorneys had to send to make the detention of these men a bit humane,” said Castelen, who added that the prosecutor failed to mention that weapons were fired unnecessarily during the arrest of the suspects. “The suspects were labeled and framed as terrorists by the head of state and his work arms,” said Castelen who added that many human rights of the suspects were violated from the moment of their arrest.