Teachers gather in front of court building: “Who will be there for the children?”

A handful of teachers on Thursday gathered in front of the court building located in the Grote Combeweg where their lawsuit against the state was scheduled to be presented. The lawsuit was filed over the fact that the state has removed them from the list of state employees and because their salaries have therefore been frozen. Nicole Jonathas who teaches Dutch claimed that there is a huge chaos at the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (OWC) where the wages of hundreds of state employees were frozen. She made it clear that the Education minister and the minister of Home Affairs (Biza) have made a huge blunder. “The Education minister’s slogan is no child left behind but his actions prove otherwise. Who will be there for the children if he abandons his colleagues? The minister does not take his obligations seriously. His apologies did not result in the payment of salaries on May 24th which is why many are currently without money despite the fact that they had performed labor,” said Jonathas who concluded that this blunder has pushed the education sector in an even bigger crisis. “The ministers of Education and Home Affairs are not fit for their job.” Reita Madhuban, the attorney who represents these state employees, expects a ruling next week because of the fact that this is a clear-cut case. “State employees were not paid as required by law and they also were not given the opportunity to defend themselves,” said Madhuban who added that the state failed to stick to the Personnel Act and that there are no rules regarding  the appropriate steps that must be taken for disciplinary action. “Hundreds of state employees were duped when their salaries were frozen and this has also had serious financial consequences as some of them can’t pay their mortgage. Mike Noersalim, chairman of the HVB party and former minister of Home Affairs, explained that the Personnel Act is clear on these matters. “Workers have worked so they must receive their salaries by the end of the month. That did not happen,” said Noersalim who hopes that the judge will let Justice prevail. Noersalim also hopes that the people will receive their salaries and compensation…[+]