Teenaged friends die in yet another Berbice crash


Another fatal accident on Tuesday, on the Corentyne Public Road left two more teens dead. This accident occurred hours after another had claimed two other teenaged lives on the Corentyne highway. The police are investigating the cause of this latest accident which occurred on Tuesday on No. 74 Public Road, Corentyne, Berbice. Dead are driver Balram Nourang, 19, of Lot 22 B No 69 Village, Corentyne and his best friend  Haresh Ramsaywack, 17, of Lot 241 No. 69 Village, Corentyne. According to information, motor car PEE 6017 was being driven by Balram Nourang with Haresh Ramsaywack in the front seat.  The car was reportedly owned by Omchand Nourang, Balram’s uncle, whose home he shared.(Kaieteurnews.com/photo:Kaieteurnews.com)…[+]