Top officials receive reminder from Finance Ministry

All of the nation’s top government officials received a letter from the Finance Ministry, reminding them to pay their taxes. In the last week of May President Chandrikapersad Santokhi and Vice President Ronnie Brunswijk also received a notice from the Finance Ministry. In its letter the Finance Ministry emphasized the fact that everybody is obligated to pay taxes. All of the ministers, Members of Parliament, the State Council, the Calculations Room and the Court of Justice have received the letter. Finance and Planning Minister Stanley Raghoebarsing explained that the top officials must lead by example. “If people pay their taxes, the government is able to make payments in the healthcare and the education sector,” said Minister Raghoebarsing. President Santokhi made it clear that “I always pay my taxes.” The VP is also in favor of paying taxes. Both leaders pointed out that everybody must do his or her duty towards the nation. “If everybody pays his or her taxes on time, we will make swift progress,” said thr president and the VP…[+]