Trinidad: An­gli­can school shut down over un­safe con­di­tions

The cen­tu­ry-old Clax­ton Bay Ju­nior An­gli­can School has been shut down be­cause of un­safe con­di­tions, leav­ing over 170 pupils dis­placed. The clo­sure of the school was high­light­ed by for­mer UNC Min­is­ter De­vant Ma­haraj in a Face­book post yes­ter­day.

Ma­haraj said the school was or­dered closed with im­me­di­ate ef­fect and a rec­om­men­da­tion was made by the Oc­cu­pa­tion­al Safe­ty and Health Au­thor­i­ty in­spec­tion of­fi­cers on Sep­tem­ber 30, 2019 for it to be de­mol­ished. “The ne­glect of the school by the Min­istry of Ed­u­ca­tion con­tin­ues de­spite the state of the school. Over 170 stu­dents have been af­fect­ed by the no­tice to close the school pur­suant to the OSH Act Sec­tion 71 (1). This school which is over 100 years old was not on the list for ren­o­va­tions for the last pe­ri­od,” Ma­haraj wrote.

Dur­ing a meet­ing of par­ents and teach­ers at the An­gli­can church next to the con­demned build­ing, school of­fi­cials made clear the po­si­tion of the OS­HA.(Stabroek News)…[+]