Trinidad: Elderly couple married for 40 years killed in home invasion

One day af­ter cel­e­brat­ing his 70th birth­day, John “Jok­er” Mills, 70, a for­mer Amo­co oil work­er and his com­mon-law wife of 40 years, Eu­lyn John, 61, were found mur­dered in their home yes­ter­day. The cou­ple was found in the bed­room of their Cocrico Av­enue, Buc­coo home around 11.30 am by a nephew who had vis­it­ed to check on them.

Po­lice said Eu­lyn was found with her hands and feet bound with tie straps and gagged with a cloth and duct tape. John was found with a tie strap drawn tight­ly around his neck and his hands and feet bound with tie straps. He was re­port­ed­ly stabbed sev­er­al times about his chest, head, face and body, his throat was slit and the back of his head was bashed in. Po­lice be­lieve rob­bery may have been the mo­tive for the killing, but sources said there were no signs of forced en­try to the house.

Rel­a­tives and neigh­bours de­scribed the cou­ple as very qui­et and lov­ing peo­ple and could not un­der­stand who would want to per­pe­trate such a bru­tal act on them.(Trinidad Guardian)…[+]