Trinidad father hopes to enter Guinness Book with longest, tallest bicycle

A Diego Mar­tin fa­ther of three is striv­ing to en­ter the 2020 Guin­ness Book of World Records as he works to build the world’s longest and high­est high-rid­er bi­cy­cle. Jahzeel Joseph, 34, said, “That is my aim. I have al­ready writ­ten to them and re­ceived the guide­lines.” Joseph is in the process of build­ing the bi­cy­cle which will be 12 feet long and stand ap­prox­i­mate­ly 28 feet, five inch­es in height. He said he was hav­ing a great time us­ing his skills as a cer­ti­fied welder to cre­ate his mas­ter­piece.

Rid­ing along the Care­nage Main Road re­cent­ly as he head­ed for the beach, Joseph’s high-rid­er cre­at­ed quite a stir as passers­by toot­ed their horns, with some even snap­ping pic­tures on their cam­era phones as they drove along. Dis­mount­ing from the bi­cy­cle—11 feet 6 inch­es in length and 6 feet 9 inch­es in height—Joseph said he got the idea to cre­ate the high-rid­er af­ter he saw two peo­ple us­ing a tan­dem bike in Diego Mar­tin. He said, “I want­ed to make one that you could ride from the back or front…and this one can be con­trolled from the top or the low­er lev­el. It on­ly took me one week to build it.”(Trinidad Guardian)…[+]