Trinidad granny, grand-daughter held with AK47

A 64-year-old woman and her grand­daugh­ter, 20, were ar­rest­ed af­ter po­lice of­fi­cers found an as­sault ri­fle at her home in San­ta Cruz, Trinidad. Ac­cord­ing to a po­lice re­port, of­fi­cers of the North East­ern Di­vi­sion Task Force re­ceived in­for­ma­tion that a house in Sun Val­ley Ex­ten­sion, Low­er San­ta Cruz was be­ing used to store weapons.

The of­fi­cers went at about 6 pm on Sun­day where they ex­e­cut­ed a search and found an AK47 as­sault ri­fle with two mag­a­zines and 68 rounds of am­mu­ni­tion. The pen­sion­er and her grand­daugh­ter were sub­se­quent­ly de­tained for ques­tion­ing. No charges were laid up to press time on Mon­day.(Trinidad Guardian)…[+]