Trinidad security guard beaten to death by bandits

Se­cu­ri­ty Guard Jodie Awai was mer­ci­less­ly beat­en to death dur­ing a rob­bery at his work­place at Mac­foods Meat Proces­sors Lim­it­ed in Laven­tille Sun­day night. Awai lived at Bel­mont and was a fa­ther of eight chil­dren. Awai’s rel­a­tives, al­though very dis­traught over his killing yester­day, salut­ed him for his hero­ic act.

Awai’s broth­er, Mark, said he is proud of his broth­er for be­liev­ing in his du­ty as a se­cu­ri­ty guard in pro­tect­ing the peo­ple he worked for. Mark said se­cu­ri­ty work was his broth­er’s pas­sion and de­scribed him as a very ded­i­cat­ed per­son. The in­ci­dent oc­curred at about 11.30 pm when three men en­tered the Old St Joseph Road, Laven­tille fac­to­ry and an­nounced a hold-up. Awai at­tempt­ed to stop the men but was beat­en to death dur­ing a strug­gle. One of his oth­er col­leagues was al­so at­tacked. Po­lice said the men es­caped with sev­er­al items from the fac­to­ry, in­clud­ing cash.(Trinidad Guardian)…[+]