US$161M contract signed for new Linden Highway


GUYANA – The government of Guyana signed a US$161M contract with Trinidadian firm Namalco Construction Services (from Trinidad & Tobago) in joint venture with Guyamerica Construction Inc. (Guyana) to reconstruct the Linden- Soesdyke Highway.

The reconstructed highway is aimed at accommodating the increasing tonnage that traverses the Highway daily. The project will include the installation of some 2,900 street lights, reflective road markings and lay-bys for trucks.

Kaieteur News reported that the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) published on its website that Namalco and Guyamerica were awarded the US$161,369,374 contract on June 26, 2024.

Kaieteur News also reported that the joint venture companies were among four bidders vying for the contract when it was opened in January 2024 at NPTAB. The project was estimated to cost US$183,567,095 according to the Ministry of Public Works’ engineer’s figure.

The upgrade to the Soesdyke-Linden Highway is being funded by a loan from the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and is the first developmental project that is being funded by Bank in Guyana.

It was reported in May 2023 that the Government of Guyana and the Islamic Development Bank, signed a US$200M Framework Agreement for the reconstruction of the highway. The project will see the rehabilitation and reconstruction of 73 kilometres of the highway.

Speaking of the scope of works at the signing ceremony, which was held at the Mighty Enchanter Creek on the highway, Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill said that the project will see the construction of three roundabouts, one at the Soesdyke-Linden junction, one at Millie’s Hide Out and the other at Five Corner in Linden.

“This project will bring job to a lot of people, because when this highway is rehabilitated there will be 2,900 street lights along the entire highway. For the persons living on the highway let me tell you about this project, all the bridges will be done, and you no longer have to walk on the bridge in the middle of the traffic when  you moving from one section, there will be pedestrian bridges at the side of the major bridges,” he detailed.  (Kaieteur News)

Photo: Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Public Works, Vladim Persaud (center) signing the US$161million contract with the contractors for the Linden-Soesdyke Highway project. (Kaieteur News)…[+]