VIDS sends second letter regarding Chinalco to president
“The regions where Indigenous communities reside are not government land so the state is required to obtain ‘free, prior and informed consent’ (FPIC). This collective property of the Indigenous people is protected by the American Convention On Human Rights, the UN Declaration of Human Rights and national and international verdicts based on these declarations,” said the Association of Indigenous Village Chiefs in Suriname (VIDS) in its second letter that was sent to President Chandrikapersad Santokhi. The VIDS warned that it would consistently fight on national, regional and global level against the violations of the legitimate rights of the Indigenous people. It also reminded the Surinamese head of state that it had already sent a letter regarding the draft deal with Chinalco on December 2nd. The VIDS has not received a reply to its first letter. It did receive an invitation from the presidential committee on the Development of West-Suriname Bakhuys Bauxite after the announcement of the MOU and the draft deal. The VIDS has already had a few meetings with this committee and the chairman and the deputy chairman of parliament. During these talks the VIDS reminded the government that the state is obligated to obtain the FPIC before deciding to grant Chinalco rights to conduct activities in the regions where Indigenous communities reside.