Was $1B ‘Clean up my Country’ fund misused?

Was $1B

It was just last year the former PPP/C administration set aside $1B for a massive a ‘Clean up my Country’ Campaign. But under a new administration, several inconsistencies have surfaced on how that money was spent, and an investigation has been launched. At least this is according to an audit report on the expenditure conducted by the Auditor General and made public last week when the report was laid in the National Assembly. Among the red flags raised, according to the Auditor General, is that despite repeated requests, all payment vouchers, together with the requisite supporting documents were not presented for audit verification of the money. About a third of the $1B was expended on the acquisition of tools and equipment including tractors and trailers, mini excavators and skid steer loader. According to the records kept at the Ministry, the tools were issued to various community groups to clean their environs and should have been returned at the completion of the exercise.(Kaieteurnieuws.com/photo:Kaieteurnieuws.com)…[+]