“We worked the entire month but did not get our salary”

Ambtenaren woedend na uitblijven salaris

Teachers who did not receive their salary at the end of May are upset over the fact that they went to work each day but did not get paid. “We worked the entire month but did not get our salary. We do not earn much and on top of that we did not get paid. This discourages us. We opted for the online registration but never received any confirmation. We will not hesitate to hire a lawyer to take on this case.”
One of the teachers pointed out that she was told that the teachers who did get registered will receive their salary at the end of June. These teachers are determined to keep fighting until they get their money. One of the teachers said that she only has money to go to school until the end of this week. “I will not borrow any money to go to work. I already have so many debts to pay so I will not add another debt because it is not my fault that I did not get my money,” said the teacher who is puzzled by the fact that the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture has the biggest group of people who did not get paid. “Why didn’t this ministry call its people to inform them that their salaries would be frozen?” The teacher explained that all of the other ministries informed their people what was going to happen.…[+]