“Why is it difficult to fill the hole in the bridge?”


PARAMARIBO – Two weeks ago a hole was detected in the bridge that runs across the Para Creek and which is part of the Martin Luther Kingweg. Despite the many complaints and the threat that this hole poses to traffic, the hole still has not been fixed by the Public Works Ministry.


The people who cross this bridge frequently are puzzled by the fact that it is taking so long to fix a small problem. The people who live near the bridge also can’t believe that the ministry still has not taken any action. “All they have to do is close the hole in the bridge. Why is it difficult to fill the hole in the bridge?” Last week a concrete block was placed in front of the hole to divert traffic. But after a few days a car rammed the concrete block. After the collision more concrete blocks were placed on the bridge.

Local residents, moped riders and drivers complained about the heavy trucks that still cross the bridge even though the authorities have issued a ban on trucks that weigh more than 5 tonnes. “The situation is only getting worse. It is like they want more cars to slam into the blocks and for the heavy trucks to do more damage to this fragile bridge before they will finally start the repairs,” said a local resident…[+]