Woman foils rape attempt

PARAMARIBO – A woman on Wednesday afternoon managed to foil a rape attempt in her house located in Paramaribo. The would-be rapist who was unarmed and who did not wear a mask reportedly made off with the woman’s gold jewelry and smartphone. He managed to kick open the woman’s front door before entering the private residence.

 The intruder then entered the woman’s bedroom and robbed her before locking her up in her bedroom and ransacking the entire house. After a while he returned to the woman’s bedroom and tried to rape her. The woman offered resistance and even managed to punch him in the face before running out of the house to seek help. It is not clear if the perpetrator fled the scene on foot or on a moped or in a getaway car. The woman who remained unharmed notified the police of the home invasion, robbery and rape attempt. The investigation is ongoing. The perpetrator is still at large…[+]