Nieuws volgens datum: 2 Apr, 2024

Doden door autobom in ramadandrukte op Syrische markt

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SYRIЁ – In Syrië zijn zeker zeven mensen om het leven gekomen toen een autobom afging op een drukke markt. Er waren op dat moment veel mensen aanwezig die inkopen deden voor de ramadan. Rond de dertig personen zouden gewond zijn geraakt.
De explosie vond plaats in de stad Azaz, in de buurt van de grens met Turkije. Dat gebied staat onder controle van rebellen die het opnamen tegen president Assad met hulp van Turkije.
De aanslag is nog niet opgeëist. In het verleden werd de Syrisch-Koerdische strijdgroep YPG beschuldigd van dergelijke aanvallen. Ook troepen die trouw bleven aan Assad worden als mogelijke dader genoemd.
In Syrië woedt al sinds 2011 een bloedige burgeroorlog tussen het regime van Assad en verschillende rebellengroepen, al of niet gesteund door andere landen. Ook terreurgroepen als IS dragen bij aan de onrust in het gebied. Bij de strijd zijn honderdduizenden Syriërs omgekomen door de strijd, ontberingen en aanslagen. (NOS)…[+]

Venezuelan defense chief warns against possible violence ahead of elections


CARACAS – Violent assassination attempts to cast a pall over Venezuela will be on the rise in the lead-up to the July 28 presidential elections, Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino Lopez warned.
“As we approach July 28, the violent and fratricidal attempts that try to plunge the country’s political life into mourning will increase,” Padrino Lopez said on X, formerly Twitter, noting that the attempts will be defeated again.
He made the warning in response to Mario Ivan Carratu Molina, a Venezuelan opposition figure and fugitive from justice, who revealed earlier on social media a “libertarian movement” aiming to upend Venezuela’s electoral process.
The defense chief described the plan as “another desperate attempt against Venezuela” and called on the armed forces to remain loyal.
On July 28, Venezuelans will go to the polls to elect the next president for the 2025-2031 term.(Xinhua)…[+]

Busmaatschappij geeft overleden passagiers de schuld van eigen dood na ongeval met Flixbus nabij Leipzig

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DUITSLAND – Na het dodelijke ongeval met een Flixbus nabij Leipzig, waarbij vier mensen omkwamen, wijst het hoofd van de busmaatschappij die voor Flixbus de reis verzorgde op de verantwoordelijkheid van de overleden passagiers. “Het is erg, maar ik moet hetzeggen: als die mensen hun gordel hadden gedragen, zou iedereen nog leven”, zegt hij in de Duitse krant Bild.
Na vijf dagen is het nog steeds niet duidelijk hoe het ongeval waarbij vier doden en 35 gewonden vielen, heeft kunnen gebeuren. Pavel Steiner (54), de baas van de busmaatschappij Umbrella Mobility, dat namens Flixbus de lijn Berlijn-Zürich verzorgde, geeft zijn versie van de feiten in de Duitse krant Bild.
“Het is een ongelooflijke tragedie, ik ben er kapot van. We hadden een ervaren man aan het stuur, de bus was de modernste die er is en was in januari nog gekeurd, en toch vielen er vier doden”, zegt Steiner, die kritisch is op de slachtoffers. “Het is erg, maar ik moet het zeggen: als mensen hun gordel hadden gedragen, zou iedereen nog leven.”
Onomstreden blijkt Umbrella Mobility evenwel niet, zo is gebleken. In oktober vorig jaar werd een buschauffeur van het bedrijf aan de kant gezet met een 2,4 promille alcohol in zijn bloed. Een oud-werknemer noemde de vloot van het bedrijf in de Hamburger Morgenpost “een absolute ramp.” “Sommige bussen rijden zonder lijnnummer rond, andere hebben alleen een kartonnen bordje op de voorkant in plaats van een display en sommige rijden zelfs ’s nachts zonder verlichting.”
De 62-jarige chauffeur die vorige woensdag betrokken raakte bij het ongeval, herinnert zich naar eigen zeggen niets van het incident. “Hij was bewusteloos en weet niets meer van het ongeval”, zegt Steiner, die erop wijst dat de man was uitgerust en voor het ongeval net vijf dagen vrij had gehad.
Op basis van de technische gegevens kan Steiner uitsluiten dat de chauffeur in slaap is gevallen, schrijft Bild. “De bus beschikte over alle hulpsystemen, niets wijst daarop.” Ook zou de man tijdens de rit niet hebben getelefoneerd.
De Flixbus was onderweg van Berlijn naar Zürich, met een geplande tussenstop in Leipzig. Omstreeks 9.45 uur verliet de bus echter om een nog onbekende reden de rijbaan van de snelweg A9 tussen Wiedemar en Schkeuditzer Kreuz, kort voor een afrit. De bus reed in op een bosje, en kwam op zijn zijkant terecht.
De politie en het parket in Duitsland zijn een onderzoek geopend voor doodslag door nalatigheid en lichamelijk letsel door nalatigheid. De chauffeur riskeert een gevangenisstraf van vijf jaar.(De Telegraaf)…[+]

South Korea’s Yoon accuses doctors of running ‘cartel’ as strike drags on

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SOUTH KOREA – South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol has pledged not to back down on plans to increase medical school admissions as he accused striking doctors of operating as a “cartel”.
In an address to the nation yesterday, Yoon said the planned addition of 2,000 medical school places was the minimum needed.
“The number 2,000 is not a random figure we came up with. We have thoroughly reviewed relevant statistics and research and reviewed present and future medical situations,” Yoon said, adding that the government’s reforms aimed to create “a medical environment where all people can receive treatment with a peace of mind”.
Yoon said doctors opposed to the plans should stop “making threats” and present a “unified blueprint with clear scientific reasoning”.
“If a more valid and reasonable plan is brought forward, we can discuss as much as they want,” he said.
Some 12,000 junior doctors in South Korea have been on strike since early February over the proposals, forcing hospitals to cancel treatments and surgeries.
South Korea’s government has argued that the reforms are necessary to alleviate staff shortages and manage the country’s rapid transition to an aged society.
South Korea had 2.6 doctors per 1,000 people in 2022, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, well below the average among developed nations.
Trainee doctors argue that the medical system is not equipped to handle such a steep increase in new recruits and that medical services will suffer as a result.
Doctors participating in the walkout face the risk of losing their medical licences after the government last month began taking steps to suspend them.
Yoon urged the doctors to return to work before the process to suspend their licences was complete, saying collective action should only be considered “when I do not keep my promises”.
Yoon also expressed regret at the inconvenience caused to the public, saying he was sorry he had been unable to “quickly resolve the inconveniences of the people”.
Public approval of Yoon has declined as the strike has dragged on, with just over 36 percent of South Koreans expressing a positive view of the president in a RealMeter poll released yesterday.
South Korea will hold parliamentary elections next week that will be crucial to Yoon’s chances of avoiding lame-duck status in the remaining three years of his five-year term. (Al Jazeera)…[+]

Paus in rolstoel roept in paastoespraak op tot staakt-het-vuren in Gazastrook

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VATICAANSTAD – Paus Franciscus heeft de traditionele zegen Urbi et Orbi (Voor Stad en Wereld) uitgesproken vanaf het balkon van de Sint-Pietersbasiliek in Vaticaanstad. Dit jaar heeft hij in zijn paasboodschap aangedrongen op onder meer een onmiddellijk staakt-het-vuren in de Gazastrook, de snelle vrijlating van gijzelaars door Hamas en de gegarandeerde toegang voor humanitaire hulp tot Gaza.
De paus stond ook stil bij de oorlog in Oekraïne, die vorige maand zijn derde jaar is ingegaan. “Door op te roepen tot respect voor de beginselen van het internationaal recht, spreek ik mijn hoop uit op een algemene uitwisseling van alle gevangenen tussen Rusland en Oekraïne”, zei hij tegen de tienduizenden katholieken op het Sint-Pietersplein, dat zoals gebruikelijk met bloemen uit Nederland was versierd.
De paaszegen wordt dit jaar overschaduwd door de broze gezondheidstoestand van de 87-jarige paus. Hij kampt de laatste jaren met gezondheidsproblemen, maar heeft momenteel naar eigen zeggen geen goede reden om aan opstappen te denken. De paus sloeg de traditionele kruisweg op Goede Vrijdag over om “zijn krachten te sparen”, zo werd op het laatste moment bekendgemaakt. Hij was zaterdag wel bij de paaswake in de Sint-Pietersbasiliek.(De Telegraaf)…[+]

King Charles attends Easter church service in most significant public appearance since cancer diagnosis


ENGLAND – King Charles III has made his most significant outing since his cancer diagnosis last month, attending the traditional Easter Mattins church service in Windsor.
Charles, 75, appeared to be in good spirits as he arrived by car to St. George’s Chapel, a 14th-century building on the grounds of Windsor Castle, around an hour’s drive from London. He was accompanied by his wife, Queen Camilla, for the event – a staple in the royal calendar.
Typically, the extended royal family gathers for Easter at Windsor Castle before heading to church together. Their arrivals are usually watched by staff living at Windsor, either from a nearby grassy bank or from their doorsteps.
The royal couple waved delightedly to a crowd of well-wishers before making their way into the chapel through the Galilee Porch.
One member of the public called out “Happy Easter” to the British monarch, to which he responded, saying: “And to you.”
Anne Daley, a retired air stewardess, was one of those who waited several hours outside the chapel for the King’s arrival. She told CNN she had made the three-hour train trip from the Welsh capital of Cardiff “to support him” and the Princess of Wales following their cancer diagnoses.
“He looked wonderful. He smiled at me and had a little laugh, loved the Welsh flag,” she added.
This year’s celebration is a quieter affair with fewer royals in attendance to minimize the King’s contact with others during his treatment.
The King and Queen sat apart from the rest of the main congregation for the one-hour service.
Similarly, the late Queen Elizabeth II sat separately to her loved ones when she attended the funeral of her husband, Prince Philip, which took place amid strict pandemic regulations in 2021.
The King’s siblings were the first family members to arrive. Prince Edward and Sophie – the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh – were accompanied by their son, James, Earl of Wessex. They were followed by the King’s sister, Princess Anne – who gave a quick wave to the crowd – and her husband, Tim Laurence, as well as Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York.
Following the service, Camilla was presented with a bouquet of white and yellow flowers by a young boy as the royal couple departed the chapel.
With more cries of “Happy Easter,” Charles thrilled well-wishers by unexpectedly making his way over to them, sparking applause from the public. During the surprise walkabout he appeared at ease, stopping to chat at various points and shaking hands.
It was unclear if Charles would attend the usual post-service family lunch. In the days ahead, he and Camilla will reportedly take a break for Easter.
The King’s presence will be an encouraging sight for many royal-watchers after he temporarily paused public-facing engagements on the advice of his doctors.
He has, however, kept a steady hand on the tiller, seeing to state business and official paperwork with his daily red boxes from the UK government while maintaining a diary of private audiences as well as his regular weekly meeting with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.
In recent days, he greeted the new ambassadors of Moldova and Burundi at Buckingham Palace, met with secretary-general of the Climate Vulnerable Forum, as well as sat down with a group of community and faith leaders from around the UK.
Charles sought to reassure the nation he has been handling constitutional matters behind the scenes in a personal message ahead of Easter weekend.
In a recorded audio address for the annual Royal Maundy service on Thursday, he reiterated his coronation pledge “not to be served but to serve” with “my whole heart.”
He also shared his “great sadness” that he wasn’t able to join the congregation, saying the service “has a very special place in my heart.”
The Queen deputized for her husband, distributing the traditional Maundy money – specially-minted coins – to people in recognition of their service to the church and local community.
A notable absence from Sunday’s Easter festivities were the Prince and Princess of Wales and their three children. The Waleses attended last year with Prince Louis making his debut at the family outing to the delight of royal-watchers.
The family of five have been laying low since Catherine disclosed a little over a week ago that she had started chemotherapy for cancer found in post-operation tests after a planned abdominal surgery in January.
The Waleses are spending the Easter holidays together as they continue to adjust to Kate’s diagnosis.
A Kensington Palace spokesperson said last Saturday that the prince and princess had been “extremely moved by the public’s warmth and support” and were “grateful for the understanding of their request for privacy at this time.”
Kate has not been seen in an official capacity since Christmas Day. Easter had initially been suggested by Kensington Palace as the period when she would resume duties following her operation. However, her return has been postponed until cleared to do so by her medical team.
Prince William is expected to resume public engagements in mid-April once Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis have restarted school. (CNN)…[+]