Kanhai expects Bordo to be extradited to France


Attorney-at-law Irvin Kanhai expects Joel Martinus alias Bordo to be extradited to France. Bordo who is currently behind bars in a Brazilian jailhouse is wanted in Suriname and France. The attorney does not know the status of the case in France, but he believes that Brazilian officials will extradite   Bordo to France, because France has already requested the extradition. He also expects the case against Bordo in Suriname to move forward. Bordo, Clifton J, Ramesh P, Prashant P and Albert G are suspected of drug trafficking and participating in a crime organisation. Bordo is also a suspect in the disappearance of a man who operated an excavator namely Ramrag Ramnauth. Investigators found out that Bordo and Clifton J gave the order for drugs to be smuggled into the country and for a drug plane that broke down to be buried. An anonymous witness provided information regarding the disappearance of Ramnauth. Prashant P and Ramesh P, the two suspects who were the first to be arrested, confessed that they and Ramnauth were involved in the burial of the drug plane. Ramnauth had hired both brothers to assist him when he buried the plane. Both brothers witnessed Ramnauth talking to Bordo. It is believed that he was blackmailing Bordo…[+]