Government wants unions to remain silent

“It’s not true. We do not know anything about a media blackout. We do not have an agreement with the government. Just to be sure I called several people from Ravaksur who are also involved in the negotiations. They confirmed that there is no existing agreement. Let me make it clear that we never agreed to refrain from talking to the press about the negotiations. I had already made it clear. And even if the request was made, I never would have agreed to it,” said Michael Miskin, who represents the Council of Labor Federations in Suriname (Ravaksur), during the negotiations with the administration of President Chandrikapersad Santokhi and Vice President Ronnie Brunswijk. The union officials made it clear that the objective is to get a salary hike and a purchasing power boost. “So I am busy with the negotiations, but I am not supposed to inform my people? That does not make sense,” said Miskin…[+]