Rice farmers: “We never sent a letter to the president”


President Chandrikapersad Santokhi recently told a crowd in the Nickerie District that unions complained that he did not step out of his office to meet them and that he was criticized for receiving the rice farmers from the Nickerie District. He explained that the rice farmers had sent him a formal letter to request a meeting which is why they were welcomed with open arms. But rice farmers contradicted this statement and made it clear that they had never sent a letter to the Surinamese head of state. Sources told Times of Suriname that on August 4th Santokhi sent word to the rice farmers who were rallying at the Brasa Square in the Nickerie District that he was willing to meet with them at his office on August 5th. Several rice farmers who had joined the protest but who are also state employees asked to remain anonymous but claimed that they never sent a letter to the president. All of the farmers were initially reluctant to accept the invitation because they wanted the president to travel all the way to the Nickerie District but after having given it a second thought, they decided to go to Paramaribo. MP Mahinder Jogi (VHP) had reportedly arranged a meeting between the farmers and the president urged them to go to the Office of the President…[+]