PARAMARIBO - The bus and boat owners who rendered their services to the Na-tional Transportation Company (NVB) on Thursday received the remaining money for ...
August. The bus owners made it clear that the money still is not enough and that they would get back to work after they have also received full payment for the work they did in September. President Chandrikapersad Santokhi Wednesday announced that his administration transferred SRD 9 million to the NVB for the bus owners. The bus owners explained that they still had to get paid for transporting nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic and that the money that they received still is not enough to pay all of their debts. The government reportedly has to pay them for services rendered for six whole months and not just a portion of one month. The bus and boat owners went on strike on February 28th which means that people can no longer rely on public transportation to reach their destinations. Erna Adjako pointed out that she has to dig deep in her pockets just to get her children to their school and herself to her workplace now that the bus owners are on strike. She hopes that the strike will end soon because she has to cough up SRD 150 each time she takes a taxi and she has to take a taxi twice every day.