The former district commissioner of Kabalebo, Josta Lewis, who is also a resident of her former jurisdiction recently emphasized the importance of having a permanent DC in the region.
She explained that this would enable the DC to tackle calamities faster and having a clear view of the situation.
DC Senrita Gobardhan has been assigned to run the Kabalebo region but the former DC is still very much concerned about the situation in her area. Gobardhan is dependent on funds to finance her trips to Kabalebo. Lewis explained that a lot of money is required because Kabalebo is huge.
In order to maintain law and order Lewis deems it essential for a DC to be present 24/7 especially in the weeks leading up to the elections. Lewis explained that Gobardhan will have her hands full with the preparations for the elections in the Nickerie District. She plans on bringing the issue to the attention of President Chandrikapersad Santokhi.