The Economic Control Division (ECD) of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Entrepreneurship and Technological Innovation (EZ) recently addressed a number of complaints ...
and also inspected the cash registers and business hours of several stores. The inspections were carried out at various locations in the districts Paramaribo and Saramacca.
The ECD launched an investigation after having received a complaint about a wrong map of Suriname on the packaging material of paper towels. The entrepreneur assured the ECD that the mistakes would be corrected on the packaging material. The ECD instructed him to get the approval of the Surinamese Standard Bureau to ensure that his labels are in accordance with the law.
An investigation was also launched after the ECD received a complaint about a pet shop that imported and sold medicines for animals without the approval of the Ministry of Agriculture, Stockbreeding and Fisheries. The ECD reportedly seized the illegal medicines.
EZ has announced that it would take firm action against entrepreneurs that fail to stick to the law on prices. It urges people to report unsanctioned price hikes or other illegal activities by dialling 1940 or 483949 or via WhatsApp at +5978530915.