JAMAICA - Buoyed by encouraging crime figures in the first quarter of the year, National Se-curity Minister Dr Horace Chang is optimistic that Jamaica could close 2025 ...
with fewer than 800 murders – a milestone not seen in recent history.
“At the rate we have started the year, and now entering the third month, we could see fewer than 800 murders,” Dr Chang said while speaking at the opening of the newly built Frome Police Station in Westmoreland, yesterday.
Dr Chang noted that the Jamaica Constabulary Force is now better equipped to combat criminals and is working assiduously to reduce murders and other major crimes.
“The work of the police force, if we follow this trend, will get us to the 800 mark this year,” said Chang, who has faced heavy criticism in recent years as the country struggles to contain rampant lawlessness, especially gang-related violence.
Jamaica ended 2024 with 1,141 murders, a decrease of 252 compared to 2023, when the country recorded 1,393 homicides. In February 2025, Jamaica recorded 47 murders – the lowest monthly figure in 25 years.
Dr Chang, who also serves as deputy prime minister, revealed that crime experts have conducted an in-depth analysis of the nation’s security landscape and developed strategies that the government believes will drive murders below 800. (Jamaica Gleaner)