A group of hinterland residents on Friday staged a protest at the US embassy. The amerindians and maroons who assembled at the embassy do not want Suriname's Foreign Affairs, International Business and International Collaboration ...
(Bibis) Minister Albert Ramdin to become the new secretary general at the Organization of American States (OAS) because they claim that he is not a suitable candidate for this position at the OAS. In the past Minister Ramdin made statements that the Indigenous found to be extremely hurtful. The Amerindians who received support from the maroons pointed out that Ramdin claimed that Indigenous men gunned down policemen during the riot at Pikin Saron. They are also still furious over the fact that Ramdin labeled the riot at the Amerindian village of Pikin Saron as an act of terror. The Indigenous repeatedly made it clear that they did not kill anybody and that they were only standing up for their rights. The fact remains that two Indigenous men were gunned down. The Indigenous group also criticized the controversial Chinalco deal which is aimed at extracting bauxite in the western part of Suriname. Minister Ramdin made it clear that he is unjustly being accused of several things. He also made it clear that he has always defended the rights of the hinterland residents. Ramdin would have preferred it that the hinterland residents would have opted to approach him to talk about their grievances. Especially given the fact that he recently spoke with the Association of Indigenous Village Chiefs in Suriname (VIDS). Today the OAS will hold an special General Assembly in the Hall of the Americas of the Organization in Washington, D.C., to elect the Secretary General who will lead the hemispheric organization for the period 2025-2030. Given the current state of affairs it is highly likely that Ramdin will become the new head of the OAS.