Surinamese Foreign Minister Albert Ramdin on Monday was elected as the new secre-tary general of the Organization of American States on Monday which means that he will be taking over from Uruguayan diplomat ...
Luis Almagro and become the body's first Car-ibbean leader. His victory is truly a historic moment for Suriname and the Caribbean Community (Caricom).
In his speech to the OAS general assembly in Washington last Monday, Ramdin urged greater regional unity, dialogue, sustainable development and action in the face of climate change, which is disproportionately affecting debt-laden Caribbean nations exposed to worsening natural disasters. “Let's join hands and mobilize our capabilities. I hope you're on the same path with me, to take things forward not backwards, united not divided." The OAS is often criticized as an organization where the big countries make the rules and where the United States of America and Brazil have a dominant position. Ramdin will accept the challenge of convincing the powerful Latin American and North American states that it is time for a new approach. The new secretary general of the OAS expressed his gratitude for the support that he received throughout his career. He mentioned the names of two former presidents of Suriname namely Jules Wijdenbosch and Ronald Venetiaan. Ramdin also thanked Suriname's current president, Chandrikapersad Santokhi, for his full support.