“Right now there should be no more doubts about ABOP and Ronnie Brunswijk,” said the chair-man of the ABOP, Ronnie Brunswijk, in response to the waves of ...
criticism from people who question his ability to lead the country. “That which we have achieved these past five years has never been promised by another administration and also has never been achieved before. Whatever we say happens so there should be no more doubts about Brunswijk,” said the chairman who wants to become the next president of Suriname.
“Many areas did not have water or electricity. In some districts there were no high schools. The ABOP made sure that many areas currently have water and electricity and that high schools were built so that the children from the districts no longer had to come all the way to the capital for their education. Housing and land affairs were also a big problem in the country and these issues were also addressed. It is awful that people were abandoned while the previous administration had made promises which it did not keep.The ABOP has everything to lead this country. If people were to look at everything that we have done these past five years, there would be no more doubts,” said Brunswijk.