AZP to hire retirees and part timers

4 Man steelt kabels bij AZP

PARAMARIBO – Dozens of people have reportedly answers the call for applications from the Academic Hospital Paramaribo (AZP). The AZP recently urged retired nurses and part timers to apply for a job, in order to tackle the brain drain at the nation’s biggest hospital. The director at the AZP, Claudia Redan, pointed out that the AZP currently has a shortage of 120 nurses. “We have been faced with this situation for some time. There is a serious shortage of medical personnel. We must build a bridge to fill all of these 120 spots. We also want to keep the nurses that we still have and we also want to expand,” said the director who added that more than one hundred people have contacted the hospital. More than 60 percent of all of the employees who are highly skilled, have reportedly left the nation’s biggest hospital in the past 3 years.…[+]