BOG workers must end strike


The judge on Wednesday ordered the workers at the Public Health Bureau (BOG) to get back to work. The Health Ministry had filed a lawsuit against the union in response to the full strike at the BOG. David Bakker, chairman of the union at the BOG, confirmed that the workers must return to their workstations. “The judge listened to the union on Wednesday. After two weeks the judge will review the progress of the negotiations,” said Chairman Bakker who added that it was a big challenge to convince the union members to pick up their duties again. “I told the people that we must have faith in the judiciary. The judge has intervened at the Ministry of Health. The ministry must document all of the negotiations and present the documents to the judge. Both parties will resume the negotiations and must appear in front of the judge again after two weeks,” said Bakker. The union issued a full strike because its demands regarding an adjustment of the uniform allowance and the transport allowance were not met…[+]