FAI workers furious over construction of building on farm land

The people who work for  the banana firm  called  FAI in the Nickerie District are furious and want to take action against those responsible for the construction of a big building on land that had been allocated for agrarian purposes. They are puzzled by the fact that a construction project is being carried out on farm land. Sources told the workers that a top officials from the Ministry of Agriculture Stockbreeding and Fisheries (LVV) who was suspended several months ago is behind the construction of the big building. The workers have demanded that the construction project because halted immediately. If it is not halted,they will also demand to be given a piece of land. “While we are working hard for the company land that belongs to the company is allocated to relatives, loyal members of the party and top officials from the Agriculture Ministry,” said the workers who have already asked their union to address the issue. The workers made it clear that they will go on strike if their demands are not met.