Guyanese president to interfere in arrest of Guyanese fishermen


PARAMARIBO – The fate of two Guyanese fishermen who were caught red-handed while fishing in Surinamese waters’ remains unclear as the Surinamese authorities have refused the official Guyanese representatives in Suriname  access to these fishermen.

President Irfaan Ali on Thursday expressed his concern regarding the latest developments and announced that the issue would be addressed on diplomatic level.

He said the Surinamese government would be formally asked to explain why a number of detained Guyanese fishermen have been prevented from speaking with their lawyers.

“I’ve asked for a full investigation into this and for the ministry to officially write to get the reasons why the lawyers were denied the opportunity to meet with them,” President Ali told reporters at a news conference.

According to the Surinamese police, the two Guyanese fishermen who were arrested in Surinamese waters’ over a week ago did not have a fishing permit and also did not have any papers to proof that their boat is officially registered in Suriname. Guyanese fishermen often complain about the actions of the Surinamese authorities especially  now that the  patrols in Surinamese waters’ have been intensified. Neighbouring Guyana has tried to obtain Surinamese fishing permits for its fishermen but the official request that was filed over 3 years ago still has not been granted and it most likely never will be as the Surinamese Fisheries Act strictly prohibits this. …[+]