International Day of Yoga celebrated


PARAMARIBO – The Embassy of India in Paramaribo yesterday celebrated the 10th International Day of Yoga at Arya Diwakar Hall, J. A. Pengelstraat. Hon’ble Deputy Chairman of the National Assembly Dr. Dewanchandrebhose Sharman was the Chief Guest for the event.  Chairman of Arya Dewaker and senior government officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education and Culture also graced the occasion.  

The event featured a one-hour session of the common yoga protocol, which was skillfully demonstrated by Director (SVCC) Somveer Arya, along with Gaitrie Phagoe and Pandit Ashish Mathura. The session saw an enthusiastic participation of around 250 people from different walks of life and of all ages, keen to embrace the benefits of yoga. The Chief Guest Dew Sharman, Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly of Suriname in his remarks explained the meaning of Yog in Dutch and also elaborated on the ultimate stages of yogic practice. Shri Indersingh Gangabishoensing Chairman of Arya Dewaker also addressed the gathering and welcomed the initiative to celebrate the event at the Arya Dewaker Hall. He also spoke about benefits and importance of Yoga and said that we should practice more for the benefit of our health. He announced that the Arya Dewaker would like to organize a yoga session once a month and requested the Embassy to collaborate.

The Embassy’s celebration of the International Day of Yoga highlighted the growing popularity of yoga, fostering a sense of community and well-being among the participants. The programme concluded with a vote of thanks and serving of refreshments to the gathering. …[+]