Kenyan court allows military deployment to quell protests

2 Kenyan court allows military deployment to quell protests

KENYA – Kenya’s High Court has approved the use of military force to restore order, following days of anti-tax protests that at some point overwhelmed police. More than 20 people have reportedly been killed in the nationwide protests that are largely led by young people opposed to government plans to increase taxes.
Armoured military vehicles patrolled streets in the capital, Nairobi, on Thursday as police fired tear gas to disperse protesters, who had threatened to storm the presidential palace. A judge said that the military deployment was critical to protect government installations but gave the authorities two days to clarify how long the deployment would last, along with its rules of engagement.
“To deploy the military in a blanket manner without defining their scope of operation and the duration of their operation is a dangerous trend that can bring about militarisation of the country,” ruled Justice Lawrence Mugambi. The Law Society of Kenya, which had petitioned the court to order the army back to the barracks, said it “respects but disagrees” with the ruling.
President William Ruto on Wednesday bowed to pressure and said he would withdraw the finance bill containing the unpopular tax proposals, a day after parliament was briefly stormed and set ablaze by angry protesters. Isaac Mwaura, the government spokesman, told the BBC’s Newsday programme that the withdrawal of the bill was a “huge blow to the government as it left a “big hole” in the budget.
“It is really a big setback,” Mr Mwaura said, blaming “misinformed” Kenyans for opposing it. “There was a very well-choreographed campaign, both locally and internationally, to misinform and disinform people so that they can create a revolt,” he added. (BBC)…[+]