Man found guilty of multiple counts of sexual abuse

Man found guilty

PARAMARIBO – 22-year-old O.W. was recently found guilty of multiple counts of sexual abuse and will spend the next ten years behind bars in a state penitentiary. The judge who found the defendant guilty of having sexually abused ten boys in a daycare center pointed out that “he only thought of his own lust when he targeted the young victims.” He made either clear that although there is no medical evidence to prove the behavor of the children proves that they were left mentally scarred by the sexual abuse. The victims reportedly get violent outburst before losing consciousness. “O.W. does not realize what he has done to the children. He was supposed to protect them but instead chose to abuse them sexually. The defendant has not learnt from his mistakes,” said the judge. The experts mentioned in their reports that there is a big  chance that the defendant will target young boys again as he showed very little empathy. The defendant never once expressed any remorse for his actions. After the verdict was announced the defendant asked for forgiveness and counselling…[+]