Neus and Hellings rally against Santokhi/Brunswijk administration

9 Neus en Hellings protesteren weer tegen regering Santokhi

PARAMARIBO – Raoul Hellings and Maisha Neus organized a protest in front of parliament on Tuesday. These activists had not organized any protest for the past two years. This time they wanted to express their discontent with the current situation in Suriname. Neus claimed that “many things

are going wrong in Suriname.” She mentioned the high crime rate, the chaos in the education sector and the decline of the nation’s healthcare sector. “These are just a few reasons why we organized the protest. Many things are going wrong because of the police of the Santokhi/Brunswijk administration,” said Neus who added that she wants to send a strong message to the government and parliament. Neus also condemned the fact  that the current administration does not provide transparency regarding the privatization of several state companies.

 Hellings expressed his disapproval regarding the huge raise that the government officials want to give themselves. He made it clear that “this is unacceptable because many people are finding it extremely difficult to make ends meet.” Hellings pointed out that the International Monetary Fund has repeatedly told the current administration to take austerity measures. He and Neus hope that more people will join the protest.