OS Flu 1 closes at 10 a.m.
“It’s not easy to find a babysitter”
Several parents whose child is enrolled at OS Flu 1 recently complained about the fact that the school closes at 10 a.m. This has been the case since the start of the second semester because the teachers are on a partial strike. A concerned mother told Times of Suriname that “it is not easy to find a babysitter for her three children.” She hopes that things will return to normal at this primary school soon. The teachers went on a partial strike because in December their principal was told that she would be reassigned to another school. Dozens of other principals also received the same message. The teachers at OS Flu 1 do not agree with this decision because they have a good collaboration with the principal and therefore do not want her to be sent to another school.
The principal of OS Flu 1 confirmed that the teachers are on a partial strike and that the lessons end at 10 a.m. She added that the teachers also give lessons and homework via WhatsApp. “We will remain on a partial strike until a solution is found,” said the principal who added that the union namely the Alliantie van
Leerkrachten in Suriname
(ALS) supports the partial strike. A source from the Inspection Division for Primary Education made it clear that the principal and the teachers do not have permission from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture to close the school early and that the principal will therefore have to face the consequences.