Saramacca residents express shock over gruesome murder

Murder suspects

PARAMARIBO – Residents of the Saramacca District on Wednesday were shocked to hear that a gruesome murder had been committed in their district. Police reports indicate that a man murdered his wife before burying her body at an undisclosed location. Neighbors were told that the woman had left for the Netherlands but that turned out to be a lie. Sources told Times of Suriname that the woman went missing some time ago. Her husband even went to the police to file a missing persons’ report. But when the police questioned the man about the whereabouts of his wife, he could not keep up with his lies. The man then told the police where he had buried his wife’s body. The woman’s body was reportedly buried in mud. The police dug the victim’s body up last Wednesday. The suspect is currently in jail awaiting trial. The investigation is ongoing…[+]